
Contact us

Company name

  • AIDYU Corporation, Inc.
  • Phone: (310)683-9399

Dear customers,

Thank you very much for stopping by our homepage and holding an interest in the services we offer. In order to gain 100% satisfaction of each and every customer, please order prior to the time period in which you will be using the product. We may be able to accept orders that are in a rush; however, please consult with us via the contact form.

Contact form

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The details of your request


First of all, please let us know what your intended exposure method (printed material, online advertising) and use is. Formats and methods of data may vary depending on your desired method and purpose. In order to provide precise data, please first let us know what your desired method of exposure is going to be. Please send the details of your request via the contact form.
First, please let us know what the subject is going to be. One of the key elements to a high quality photo shoot is the shooting environment. Just one missing light can have a significant impact on the outcome of the photo. We will set up the photo shoot in accordance with the subject, so please indicate your subject choice and intended use in the contact form.
Yes. We accept non-character illustration orders such as backgrounds and still life. Because we have artistic experience, we can create anything from pop characters to realistic paintings such as oil paintings and express just about anything else. We need to estimate an additional cost in case of hiring a model. Please send the details of your request via the contact form.
It will vary on a case-by-case basis, depending on your budget. A creation of a homepage is similar to the creation of a home. Rather than us stating how much this and that is, we would like you to tell us what kind of scale you would like the homepage to be. Then, please let us know what the approximate budget that you are willing to spend is. However, it does not necessarily mean big scale=expensive. In other words, there may be a luxurious homepage with less page numbers. We would like to begin by confirming what kind of homepage you have in mind.
It is understandable if you think of the production costs of making a movie, but the cost of production for video-making varies widely depending on the contents (if it a mere home video or a blockbuster video that requires various effects and processing), so first make sure you let us know what kind of video you have in mind.
Yes. If you let us know what your request is, we can give you a simple quote form. Even if your company requires quote forms from different companies, please feel free to let us know. When you compare us with the other companies, we believe that you'll be able to get a feel of the kinds of services we offer.